So if he would thin 40 acres of 15 year old pines what kind of return would he be looking at in a ballpark kind of figure
In my area would be $5 a ton for landowner. 28 ton a load =$140 a load for landowner . Usually get 2 to 3 loads taken out an acre on first thinning = $280 an acre . Total maybe $10k to 12k but not any more than that . Lots of variation in how thick stand u got . How far to mill that will take ur wood . Some loggers only pay $1-4 a ton. Here we are close to pca mill and most pay $5 a ton. Another problem mills got quotas even though it winter time . Like someone said good luck getting someone thin small tract like 40 acres unless it’s a small crew . That at most 100-120 loads total . Some crews get that in a week.