We've been shooting ducks from the same blind less than 10 miles off the MS River approx 37 miles south of where the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers come together since the end of WWII. This blind has been hunted nearly every day of every duck season for that entire length time.

Every. Single. Day.

There are no ducks.

I can go to the blind in the morning and look in the air and see I don't know what... but 30 years ago I could go out there and I couldn't look into the sky and not see some ducks in the air somewhere. I have spent far too many days out there the last 5 years watching black birds.

Nothing has changed. The hunting pressure has not changed. There are no ducks there many days and for sure far fewer than there have been since I have been alive.

just an observation.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.