Originally Posted by SouthBamaSlayer
Originally Posted by TensawRiver
Originally Posted by hunterbuck
I know there is sometimes a stigma here with Southside, but it would fit your criteria perfectly. Lots of deer, and folks don't have problems seeing them often.

You can be signed in on the 59 end from Daphne in about 30 minutes, give or take.

I second this, although don't expect to Turkey Hunt.

Who retains the turkey rights?

I apologize, I haven't been on since I replied to your post. I see that it's already been answered though. It was the first 20 original members that were allowed to turkey hunt when I was there. It may be down to 15 now that idk. Lot of land, lot of turkeys for just so few to be able to hunt.

Romans 8:1-2
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, for the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of Sin and Death"