Originally Posted by bill
I have my standards. I can't control my neighbors standards nor do I want to. I definitely don't need government to tell him how big or old a deer needs to be before he can kill him. I know my neighbors have killed deer I've passed on. It's a waste of my time to worry about it so I just keep hunting and waiting on the kind of deer that makes me happy. It's not my place to tell my neighbors what should make them happy.

Your response is a primary reason for my post. Basically what I’m saying is that the vast majority of property owners, lessees, etc. aren’t “managing a herd” and their standards aren’t necessarily the same standards as other hunters on other properties which comprise of the buck’s home range.

“Managing for mature bucks” in Alabama is the equivalent of driving on the Autobahn in Germany where there is no speed limit. When driving on the Autobahn you shouldn’t get pi$$ed when other drivers pass you, they drive the speed that they choose and you don’t own the road. The same with “managing” deer here. 99% of hunters don’t have enough property to contain the herd and therefore must accept the fact that their hard work will possibly benefit another hunter miles away.