Originally Posted by Peach
If everyone in Alabama was on board with managing for big mature whitetail, we would probably be shocked at what we started killing in a few years! I think states like Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Kansas, Texas are more inclined to do this. I would certainly be on board!

You might think that by but you'd be wrong. The reason the Midwest has bigger deer is agriculture and very limited gun seasons.

Lots of Alabama hunters think if they could just get government to stop their neighbors from killing young bucks they'd have big bucks running everywhere. The truth is most of those same folks complaining aren't willing to give up their 3 month gun season in exchange for more mature bucks. There is a misconception that Midwest folks have more restraint but I have read numerous studies that indicate the average buck killed in Illinois is a 2 year old 100" deer. Human nature doesn't change by geography. They slaughter the young ones too but they have a shorter window to do it with a gun. If you wanna see more big deer lobby for a 1 or 2 week gun season that falls outside the rut. I bet that dog won't hunt with most of the whiners and complainers.

" I do view Jim Waltz as a really good Presidential candidate"