While sitting around enjoying the rebirth of Freedom, I got to ponderin on gettin some guns.
Noticed that H&R has a lever gun they are about to start selling but it only comes in .357
If you had a choice of a combo, what would it be. Specifically a lever action and pistol combo in the same caliber. Like a Marlin Guide paired with a Smith & Wesson in .357 or one of those Henry Rifles with a Ruger Blackhawk or Vaquero in .45 Colt
Don't let life get in the way of living
Re: Rifle Pistol Combo
[Re: Dustin]
#4270659 01/21/2511:56 AM01/21/2511:56 AM
I went 357 because it's easier to shoot in the pistol vs the 44 mag. Just watched the video. Wonder what those will price out at? Wouldn't mind having a lever action to go with my bolt action.
Last edited by William; 01/21/2501:13 PM.
"The misery of being exploited by capitalists is nothing... compared to the misery of not being exploited at all."
S&W 1854 and the new Lipsey’s S&W Mountain gun in 44 mag
Marlin did not fix the inherent snail cam flaw in the 1894 so eventually it will notch and cause jamming and the sharp edges on the square bolt will cut the heck outta ya
Also consider a Glock 10mm and Ruger LC carbine 10mm Glock mag
Absolutely for a modern twist and lots of capability!
I'd also want old school too with my Ruger 44 Mag Carbine and I'd get a Ruger 44 Mag Redhawk or Blackhawk to pair it with
"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8
"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams
If I were so inclined to get a rifle/pistol combo it would certainly be something to pair with my 10mm Glock.
I like the western guns and all of the nostalgia that comes with them. However, it’s 2025 and the rules of engagement have changed. Fentanyl ferrets, meth heads and gang bangers don’t carry 6-shooters. If I have to protect me and mine it will be with a high capacity semi auto. This is just my opinion based on the fact that, other than my hunting firearms, all others are purchased with one purpose in mind, self preservation.
If I were so inclined to get a rifle/pistol combo it would certainly be something to pair with my 10mm Glock.
I like the western guns and all of the nostalgia that comes with them. However, it’s 2025 and the rules of engagement have changed. Fentanyl ferrets, meth heads and gang bangers don’t carry 6-shooters. If I have to protect me and mine it will be with a high capacity semi auto. This is just my opinion based on the fact that, other than my hunting firearms, all others are purchased with one purpose in mind, self preservation.
Its the reality
The 10mm combo can lay some smack down and lightweight too