If I believe the buck to be 5 year old plus, I am killing it no matter what the rack looks like.
Me too, they ain’t all gonna be 130’s no matter how old they get, a 5 year old is a trophy to me
Same here you kill a mature 5 plus year old deer in Alabama big rack or not he’s mature and smart. He’s seen probably more pressure than most deer in any other state and you can outsmart him to me that’s a big deal. You wanna learn about management go to Texas and hunt down there. The guys I hunt with are big on management and shoot nothing but mature deer on free range land.
It’s all about the area you hunt I guess. I could have killed 3 different 5+ year old bucks with inferior racks this year. And when I say inferior racks I’m not talking about deer that are 120”. I’m talking about deer that might get to 100”. Early season around here they aren’t real hard to outsmart. Now I guess I should also say that we haven’t seen 2 of those bucks since mid December. So they got pushed out or moved on to less pressured places I guess.