This is my first season deer hunting in 20 years. The last deer I shot was in was in 2004 if I remember correctly. I’ve hunted 30 days in a row at this point and haven’t pulled the trigger. I don’t feel like the property I’m hunting nor the surrounding properties have the numbers for me to justify killing anything other than the 2 mature bucks I’ve got on camera. If I get lucky enough to kill one of those deer then so be it. I don’t get the vibes from the neighbors they worry too much about killing mature deer at all. It makes it even worse that everyone owns 50-100 acres in this area. Nothing I can do but bitch but I can guarantee anyone that if I can go this long without killing anyone can do it. I watched a tank of a 6 point for 10-15 minutes today, he was probably 100 inches already and I bet he didn’t weigh much over 100lbs. What could be if the neighbors don’t get eyes on him.

Originally Posted by Mbrock
Had this conversation a dozen times in the last week with others who are fed up with it. Nobody I’ve talked to is trying to tell anyone how to hunt either. They just want common sense to come in to the equation and ppl to logically come to the conclusion of when to stop killing. It seems the smaller the parcel the more bucks ppl think they should kill because that’s all they have to hunt and must kill them because they’re there. I don’t get it either.

But you can’t talk about it or you’re a spoiled crybaby. Cell cams and bait have changed the game gents. Buckle up cause they’re going to keep killing them.