I'm in the same boat Ridge life. I got 300 acres to hunt here in bama 10 to 15 yrs ago I could grow some good deer I've killed several 130s a 150 and a 165 but now I've got folks all around me hunting everyone has a feeder and a cell cam in the back yard and hunt from the recliner when the cam goes off they raise the windows up and blast it. I had a good crop of nice 2 to 3 yr Olds that all have been killed now. I got a nice 4 yr old 8 this year and that is the first one I've killed in bama in 6 yrs. the area I'm in has great genetics but folks won't let them live that long. all I got now on cam is a couple of spikes. deer are easier to kill now than ever before with all the technology and something needs to be done we need to shorten rifle season. no reason to have a 3 month long rifle season.we got too many hunters and not enough resources
Serious question: Have you taken it upon yourself to shorten your own season and not hunt all 3 months?
We do. Don’t hunt much at all from about January 10th on. Been doing that for years. All we get out of it is a pile of dead buck pics from neighbors. 😂
Controlling what other people do is a pretty big uphill battle. Not really different than anything else, replace "deer hunting" with say "people who don't know how to drive" or even "People who get in front of you in line at a grocery store that [apparently] do not know how to use screens, cards, or cash, and take fraking forever"
You can't control how people shoot deer any better than you can control how people vote. That is why I hate it when suggestions get thrown around about what to make illegal. The only people it affects are those of us who bother to follow the rules.