Originally Posted by Frankie
Originally Posted by Beadlescomb
Originally Posted by ford150man
I don’t care what a person chooses to shoot but don’t shoot every spike you see then complain you don’t have any good bucks. My father-in-law has to be one of the most trigger happy people I’ve ever met. We’ve all been there but usually grow out of it. We I don’t call him a hunter. He’s just a killer. Says it’s for the meat but he and the mother-in-law barely eat deer meat. He just can’t stand to pass one up. Gets aggravated when I let deer walk. He’s 79 years old so I don’t bust his balls too much because I think he figures every season, and every deer, may be his last. I just don’t understand why he runs cameras so hard then shoots a doe during rut, or a spike.

Probably the same reason my maw maw would have a fit it you threw back a crappie that wasn't quite 9 inches

Hell my grandmother would eat a minnow. She didn't throw nothing back.

Mines talked about eating Redbirds and bluejays. She had it rough coming up thru depression she always said if they had meat you ate it and didn't ask what it was

We will burn that bridge when we get there