Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by Bamarich2
Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by Bamarich2
For me, baiting has allowed me to be more successful........ .

This is pretty much the only part about this thread that matters ^^^^^

Agreed to a point. "Success", though, is in the eye of the beholder. For me, it's not about the killing but enjoying the sport. I haven't really killed any more deer/bigger deer since baiting has been allowed. But there's no doubt we consistently have more deer on our place than prior to it, so that means opportunity is increased.

I don't think what you possibly insinuate, however, is always true. For some hunters, indeed it's all about personal satisfaction. But I think for most I know, there's also a balance between "what's best for me" compared to "what's best for the entire deer herd". IF the state and experts could successfully convince people that baiting is bad, then I believe most would pay attention to that. The problem is that both the state and "experts" often have skin in the game that distorts their opinions - and thus can't be trusted for reliable information.

Baiting was so "Bad" in past years that it was considered to be ILLEGAL and it was technically a crime to do it. Yet over half the state was still baiting the heck out of them. If you think that the state telling people that baiting is bad would cause people to pay attention and change people's attitudes toward it, you are sadly mistaken. This cat is out of the bag, long gone, and is never going back in, unless the state makes it fully illegal again and the fine for getting caught is confiscation of weapon, vehicle, and several thousand $$ or jail time. Unless it is going to really really hurt, anything you try to do is just peeing in the wind.

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"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.