So... A lot of people can't stand it and feel like they have to shoot some small racked buck because otherwise their neighbors will kill it?

And they may be right. Here's how it works for me.

2 of the seemingly many who hunt next to me... we're friendly don't get me wrong. Sounds like the siege of Khe Sahn back there most Saturdays. Stopped by there last Saturday on my way to town. How many've ya killed y'all having a good season?

one guy... I got 14 so far. Other dude with him pipes up I got about 18.

WTF are these morons doing? What do you even do with 32 deer? THIRTY TWO.

That's real. They lease. I've decided I'm calling the landowner and I'm either leasing it out from under them or I'm buying it. I just can't take it any more. ALL the work I put in... gone because a pack of idiots in a contest over a body count.

I bet they use Game Check.

They shoot it then get over there and check to see if it's got any horns. Never seen a Game Warden around there and quite frankly have no reason to believe they are breaking the law. What they are doing is Legal and encouraged by the equally dumbass individuals at the DCNR.

I guess I'm supposed to sell my land I've owned 30 years and move because the Deer regulations changed? And I shouldn't worry about what my neighbors are doing and shooting when it directly impacts me. Appears that everyone who doesn't seem bothered buy such a scenario is either partaking in the same practice or just doesn't care about everyone else because it isn't their problem. SO far that's the takeaway from this Thread.

A lot of people who think this is OK in reality suck at hunting and they don't want anyone to tell them anything because once they finally get a basket racked 2yo in front of them they are going to kill it. That's also part of the equation.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.