"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Re: For those that missed it
[Re: Skinny]
#4263877 01/12/2509:40 AM01/12/2509:40 AM
That was Good on Good right there with King Henry winning out. Derrick Henry is a True Freak athlete and All-time Great! When He came to Bama some folks said He could not play RB position because He was too big and would be a LB. The Kid is Fun to watch tote the rock!
That was Good on Good right there with King Henry winning out. Derrick Henry is a True Freak athlete and All-time Great! When He came to Bama some folks said He could not play RB position because He was too big and would be a LB. The Kid is Fun to watch tote the rock!
People forget that about Derrick when he was recruited to Bama. He was not the highest rated RB recruit in that class IIRC.
I love watching a RB slap down a defender like he did. It says I'm the baddest mofo on the field.
Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales
Molon Labe
Re: For those that missed it
[Re: AU338MAG]
#4264014 01/12/2501:04 PM01/12/2501:04 PM
That was Good on Good right there with King Henry winning out. Derrick Henry is a True Freak athlete and All-time Great! When He came to Bama some folks said He could not play RB position because He was too big and would be a LB. The Kid is Fun to watch tote the rock!
People forget that about Derrick when he was recruited to Bama. He was not the highest rated RB recruit in that class IIRC.
I love watching a RB slap down a defender like he did. It says I'm the baddest mofo on the field.
I know it...Thats the way I used to run it back in the day... I loved to run the ball, and its prolly another reason why I hurt so much today, lol...I wasnt no Derrick Henry though I promise you that...
Did you know that Beer Nutz are over a Dollar...and Deer Nutz are under a Buck...
Re: For those that missed it
[Re: Skinny]
#4276811 01/29/2502:26 PM01/29/2502:26 PM
Beast Henry outweighs Beast Minkah by about 50 pounds. But don't think Minkah can't lay the wood. Bad angle for Minkah and you can't bad angle Derrick Henry or you make Sportscenter. Come to think of it, you can have a great angle against him and still make Sportscenter.
Re: For those that missed it
[Re: AU338MAG]
#4276821 01/29/2502:41 PM01/29/2502:41 PM
That was Good on Good right there with King Henry winning out. Derrick Henry is a True Freak athlete and All-time Great! When He came to Bama some folks said He could not play RB position because He was too big and would be a LB. The Kid is Fun to watch tote the rock!
People forget that about Derrick when he was recruited to Bama. He was not the highest rated RB recruit in that class IIRC.
I love watching a RB slap down a defender like he did. It says I'm the baddest mofo on the field.
We’re not dead. We just smell that way. Dayum. - AC870
Yessir! I’m always gonna shoot what makes me happy and I want everyone else to do the same! If you shoot one be proud of it and don’t worry what anyone else thinks. - SJ22
Re: For those that missed it
[Re: BCLC]
#4276900 01/29/2504:44 PM01/29/2504:44 PM
That was Good on Good right there with King Henry winning out. Derrick Henry is a True Freak athlete and All-time Great! When He came to Bama some folks said He could not play RB position because He was too big and would be a LB. The Kid is Fun to watch tote the rock!
People forget that about Derrick when he was recruited to Bama. He was not the highest rated RB recruit in that class IIRC.
I love watching a RB slap down a defender like he did. It says I'm the baddest mofo on the field.
I like Henry. But i also remember him being shoe string tackled while at Bama many times 😄
Do not regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many!
Re: For those that missed it
[Re: Skinny]
#4276946 01/29/2505:45 PM01/29/2505:45 PM
That’s the only way to tackle them big bastages. You ain’t gonna square up on him that’s fo’sho.
We’re not dead. We just smell that way. Dayum. - AC870
Yessir! I’m always gonna shoot what makes me happy and I want everyone else to do the same! If you shoot one be proud of it and don’t worry what anyone else thinks. - SJ22
Re: For those that missed it
[Re: James]
#4277123 01/29/2509:57 PM01/29/2509:57 PM
That’s the only way to tackle them big bastages. You ain’t gonna square up on him that’s fo’sho.
Come on Man He's only 6' 3" 247 pounds there Codsack 😁
We’re not dead. We just smell that way. Dayum. - AC870
Yessir! I’m always gonna shoot what makes me happy and I want everyone else to do the same! If you shoot one be proud of it and don’t worry what anyone else thinks. - SJ22
Re: For those that missed it
[Re: James]
#4277283 01/30/2508:36 AM01/30/2508:36 AM
With those stiff arms, he’s punching above his weight class.
“If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.” Napoleon Hill The most difficult thing to understand during conversation is silence. Thoreau
With those stiff arms, he’s punching above his weight class.
It wasn't Henry but it was not long ago. One of the stronger stiff arm NFL backs, described it as running punch from the hip.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster