Originally Posted by Out back
There was a time when I would have said, be queer if you want. Keep it to yourself and don't be a moron about it. But the demoncrats (especially in the past 4 years) have changed my opinion, and obviously the opinions of millions more too. They ain't happy just achieving a normalcy, but they have to keep pushing and pushing and promoting the rainbow culture bullshit. They've infiltrated every part of society and made America a global embarrassment. They've created hate where there was tolerance. The party of peace, joy and tolerance has fueled the fire of hatred.

That’s because that party is no longer true democrats
They are socialist/communist and no longer hide it. Hillary and her minions looked up to the likes of Mao along with Pol Pots and other dictators that killed millions.
Margaret Sanger is their hero as she hated low IQ and mental misfits and clung to abortion on demand for the poor. Especially the black poor. She as all about Eugenics and don’t hide from it. Hitler used her speeches as reference.

Hate is a powerful tool to organize the masses

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan