"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Discover = Visa/Master Debt washer facility They wer not even mentioned..Discover/AMEX is the concret under what you can see. Its not a ponzi scheme. Its Alpha to Delta rinse-repeat circular loop. The said the math several 100 = All Debt 80 = Visa Mastercard about 19% 1% random others, Discover AMEX -wash debt and move overseas lost debt around and back into the Visa-MasterCard
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Also Walmart and other "Bigs" can lump VISA AMEX into mass payment piles to load toward the Visa or the Mastercard. All those little odd payment methods you see on the odd foreign money home and back ATMS's are all AMEX or Discover with VISA and Mastercard.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
A credit card is what gets me several airline tickets a year at a cost of around $100. All ya got to do is pay it off every month and it’s free money.
This is exactly right ^^^^ I’ve been doing this for years and they absolutely hate it because they make their money on people who run up large sums and then make payments
When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself The older I get the better I used to be
Re: Wow! Sen. Hawley to MC/Visa
[Re: BradB]
#4277835 01/31/2506:46 AM01/31/2506:46 AM
A credit card is what gets me several airline tickets a year at a cost of around $100. All ya got to do is pay it off every month and it’s free money.
Yep. Just have it set up to automatically be paid off from your checking account every month. Same as a debit card but with better security in my book.
The old 60 minutes episode of Ben Stein explaining why Credit Cards companies hate him. He is very responsible with his CC and he loves playing with their free-sucker bait, POINTS.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
The processing fees make them bank. Those little fees really add up Everything is based on volume and quantity regarding pricing.
Sam Walton principle applied to easy debt.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Re: Wow! Sen. Hawley to MC/Visa
[Re: cartervj]
#4277861 01/31/2508:17 AM01/31/2508:17 AM
A credit card is what gets me several airline tickets a year at a cost of around $100. All ya got to do is pay it off every month and it’s free money.
This is exactly right ^^^^ I’ve been doing this for years and they absolutely hate it because they make their money on people who run up large sums and then make payments
airline miles, hotel points, cash, etc. there are those that screw the cc companies and those that pay them. i pay 2 off every month.
age old addage...don't buy it if you can't afford it.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.