You can say the same with over population, I wish someone would post what percentage of Alabama. Is so overpopulated with deer it's hurting the health of the heard. I would bet the farm it's less than 5%. So yeah go blast the hell out of does because you might be in that 5% and then wonder why you don't see any deer
I’ve already given an example on two properties in a post above. It’s considerably more than 5%. I guess it depends on how you define hurting the health of the herd. Like I said, deer are surviving in this state. They’re not thriving. Herd health could improve on vast acreages but people are passive managers, not active.
My eyes were really opened a few years ago when I hung out at processors recording data and collecting CWD samples on deer being brought in. It was very easy to pick out deer from quality habitat over those just surviving. Night and day. The amount of truly physically fit deer being brought in was about 10% compared to deer just getting by. And fat on their rump during the fall with acorns and corn on every 40 acres is not an indicator of overall fitness.
Forgot to mention, overpopulation is a relative term to area. If deer have resorted to consuming low quality, or low preference food choices, they are overpopulated. In some areas that may be 30 deer per square mile and others it may be 80. 80 deer in superb habitat are in better condition than 40 in poor habitat.