I have to make aa video class of real experts explaining ROW to the genral public. Good lord.
All those wierd drawing crayon pictures, thats a sketch map for immediate thought about a situation. Its quick reference for a report. Chiller does that for those funny triangle and weird curves and stuff. But for a VIEW SHED analysis that is how it starts.. What people see when they drive. Like a weird blinding reflection that shifts a lane to the left when they should not. Big glass building cause car wrecks everyday.
Chiller also know that property corner are always piles of mixed trash because it is a corner. One of those pipes or rebar is the one he wants to find. Sometimes its such a mess; he just goes to another and shoots the spot in the pile of crap.
I got a corner at this house, with 70 year old goat pen oor something made of hammered random iron things. My contracted pin planter (Chiller) figured it out. I got a new pin. not a First Pin. Surveyors always like oto shoot from a first pin when they get the chance. Its corrects a lot of old error along the way.

"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people.
"The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me
"You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster