Sorry guys I was talking about working for the wild turkey, I know nothing about the politics involed in being a non resident hunting another state after you brought a license here!
Sounds like some jaded citizens in here but I’d say good on you for having concern for wild turkeys beyond your own property.
Well when Chuck Sykes and crew continually screw us…especially us in south bama, they do have a reason to be jaded. I’m all for giving a lil money to help out the turkeys, but the state will get none of it. Turkeys for Tomorrow will but not the state. My family was among those who the state stole from and almost cost my siblings and I a chance at college had I not worked hard and gotten a scholarship. My dad was amongst the lawyers that sued the state for stealing from us.
3bailey, the hate isn’t towards you brother…there is a longstanding deep seated hate against our state politicians and wildlife officials here that we are tired of funding. You buy a lifetime license for bama but then have to pay the corn license and then the nighttime hog/coyote license etc the list goes on