Originally Posted By: country boy06
Originally Posted By: BowtechDan
Originally Posted By: country boy06
I shot a deer and was wondering what is everbody way to clean a mechanical broadhead to be reused or do you just disgard and get new ones

What kind of mechanical? Part of the question is what keeps the blades locked in in place for flight? Whatever the design, make sure that it still locks properly with enough force to keep the blades shut during release and not too stiff to not open properly.

I shoot spit fire

So do I. If you shoot the ones without a rubber band, the spitfire blade has a dimple pressed into the blade. That dimple will sit in a pocket (detent) to keep the blade locked.

When I clean mine after use, I remove the little screws and take the blades out to get all the gunk from the grooves, then reassemble. Then I make sure there is a positive feel to the locking of the blade (in relation to the feel of a new unused broadhead). If there isn't a little "snap" to open/close the blade, I will take it apart again and redimple the blade by pushing a dull nail on soft wood to push the dimple out a smidge. Then reassemble and verify the locking again.

Nathan Carl Goff 19 Sept 2016 - 14 Jan 2017.