So ive been going through an unusual season lately, maybe a month or so. Not bad, not unhappy or a season.of doubt, just unusual or different than whats normal. Kinda wondering how it would all turn out. Not doubting because i have walked this path long enough to know exactly where its headed. All along talking to the Lord and asking him to show me what it is that im supposed to be learning through this. Its been pretty cool. Sometimes good, sometimes not so much, especially when hes showing me the things i could be doing better. How me changing just a little could improve someone i loves life quite a bit. Then theres the whole every day walk with the Lord that seems to be different than usual. Gods not different, of course, but life is. Not bad different but different and i just dont like change. It has shifted somehow but i just keep putting one foot in front of the other, knowing God is in control and i will be just fine. Then the phone rings and one conversation with another saved person who loves the Lord shifts everything right back into place. God is amazing. I know some of you will understand exactly what im talking about, even without details. The details really arent important anyhow. I dont know why he wanted me to post this but i figure someone needs to hear it. Your phone call is coming, or whatever its goingbto take to set things back in order for you. Just trustGod and try to get your good out of this strange time, or season. Theres good in it for you.