I suspect some land that is marginal will be dropped this year and upcoming years. Some ground is not worth the wear and tear on equipment

I talked to a rice farmer in arkie a few years ago. Dad was retiring and the 2 sons were selling out but keeping the land. They were making bank on the duck hunters. I asked one of the sons why and emphatically stated. It’s not worth the risk. Everything is paid for and in good shape but one bad year and they’d lose it all. No more subsidies he said so it’s risky. He kept the trucking side of the farm and his brother took on another job outside of farming.

There is so much money in play

I’m afraid this is the tip of the iceberg as far as the economy
Farming is on of the main foundations for a strong economy. Trump is on the manufacturing so we will we see

Last edited by cartervj; 02/08/25 01:06 PM.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan