Originally Posted by brushwhacker
Originally Posted by marshmud991
Originally Posted by kyles
They deserve it for what they go through. Long hours uncertain markets. You are at the mercy of the weather. I don't envy them. If everyone thinks they got it made I would go for it lol

I tell people that hunt to look at what it cost to plant a 1/2ac food plot if you’re going to try to get the max out of it. Once the figure what this few bags of fertilizer cost and that $20-$30 bag of seed costs they are probably close to $100. Depending on the price of fertilizer of course. I then tell them to look up 1 unit of hybrid corn, soybean and cotton seed and compare the price. I always use 500ac as an example and tell them to do the math just on seed costs to plant those acres 1 time. Sometimes you have to replant because nature is cruel sometimes. I tell them look at the price of the 2.5gal jug of gly they bought which is one of the cheaper herbicides on the market. Same formula. Nothing about growing crops for a living is cheap. Heck if I’d keep track of what is costs me each year for my gardening, I’d probably puke and never do it again. It’s in my blood and something I love to do. I wish 007 would chime in and explain the fertilizer and chemicals side of farming. It would make some of y’all choke if y’all would know the size of the checks farmers pay out during planting and growing season.

Don’t get us started on loggers . It really is a pitiful business to be in my area now . It dead on winter time and all mills have everyone on quotas a some companies laying crews off because lack of demand a lumber prices . Even white oak logs is bad now . We are like farmers just on a different scale . At least they can sell their products . No where to sell pulp or logs now . An no subsidies or crop insurance for us

I was thinking of you driving back from the farm. lol.

It’s a terrible time to be a logger

I’m scared farming is headed that way for a few years
Last year really hurt a lot of farmers.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan