Originally Posted by XVIII
Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by wew3006
Originally Posted by globe
Whoah…not cool, don’t work like that.

Looks like he offered the buyer $1k if he wanted to flip it. What's wrong with that?

You put a price on it, someone agrees to that price. You honor the deal. If that deals falls through then take the next offer.
This ain't an auction. It's akin to crawfishing a bet or cheating at cards.

He wasnt auctioning anything. Sounded like Crappie was gonna let oka make $400 if he wanted

Yep. Been looking for a .260 A bolt for years, just didn’t see it in time. As far as I see it, the gun belongs to Okatuppa now. If he wants to flip it, I offered him $1000. That’s why I quoted him and not the OP. It’s his to sell now if he chooses, no different than if he listed it 10 minutes after posting “I’ll take it”. Some folks just look for chit to get their panties in a wad about.