My son and daughter are better people than me. I had 2 great kids so it only escalated to a real whopping a couple of times for each.

My hand was heavier early and lighter as they aged. What I mean by that is I spanked more often early in their life. Before age 10 or so, I used push ups first then a quick swat on the butt. Sometimes the swat came first but push ups usually.

The Bible says to discipline for sure. It also demands that we not break their spirit.

When they got to double digits, I coached tough but was physical less. They hay was in the barn at that point and our relationship needed to grow as they had and me honestly.

I controlled my anger by using push ups like I mentioned. Sometimes they did a lot of push ups in a day. My daughter did the 2nd most push ups in the physical fitness testing they do at school in second grade. Not second most for girls, second most in the school. Haha

My son is in his first year of Med School and my daughter has never missed the Dean's List at Bama. More importantly to me, they love me and my wife. Most importantly, they both love God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit lives in them.

Don't worry Dad, you will get it right enough because you care to get it right.

O God, you are my God; early will I seek you. Psalm 63:1