Originally Posted by Nightwatchman
This is incredible information. Thanks Matt. Good Discussions as well.

The only thing I cannot get past is the way to ascertain how many does you have on your property. Sometimes I get picks of like 7 or 8 in one picture, sometimes I get pics of 1 or 2. Are these the same does in every pick? Are they different deer? I do not know.

From an observational standpoint....How do I know if I am seeing the same deer over and over again or if it is different doe groups. Sometimes I sit in the stand and see 10, sometimes I see zero....Just seems like so much guess work

Camera surveys suck. Can’t really do it during hunting season. Do it before food plots are planted and put a bait pile and a camera on every 200 acres you got. Study pics like crazy and see if you can differentiate between the doe groups. Count fawns as 50/50 buck and does. Do it all at one time. 10-14 day period. But yeah it’s hard. That’s why we elected to do a drone survey this year. 4 drones at one time to not double count does and hopefully get it done in 1 day. Then get a wildlife management biologist to guide you in your harvest decisions.