i dont need reading comp, because this isn't something I read. Its something I lived. This problem didn't just start. 20 years ago yall sold out and started hiring mexicans because it was cheaper. This caused Americans wages to stay lower. No Americans wanted to work for half price for twice as long. Mexican business owners would do jobs at cost and put americans out of work. They could do the job cheaper because 10 of them lived in an apartment and got drove to work in a van. Then they'd move their family up her and put them on welfare.People like you totally collapsed the blue collar workforce and businesses. Now you conveniently claim no Americans will work. For the 20-30 years yall have took away any incentive for people to work construction.
Usually the ones saying "americans wont work' also pay someone else to do their yardwork. lol

So since you cant find Americans who'll work and your labor pool is being rounded up by ICE. What yall gonna do, start doing the work yourselves or find another job?

Last edited by goodman_hunter; 02/12/25 03:43 PM.

"A moment of realization is worth a thousand prayers"