Originally Posted by Bulls eye
Originally Posted by Geeb
Dang, the number of folks on here trying to justify illegal immigration for their own self serving interests, is astounding.

Im not trying to justify anything. The truth is that illegal immigrants perform jobs that most sorry ass Americans dont want to do because our government has made it possible for them to not work at all and actually live a decent lifestyle. I believe if they are already here and have no violent criminal history then we should make the legalization process somewhat easier. That way they can continue to provide the need for workers in the types of businesses they have come to dominate simply because they will show up and do a better job than “legal” sorry ass Americans. Believe me, Im all for them paying income taxes and Social Security and having drivers licenses and insurance just like Im required to do. There are too many here and they are too involved in the economy just to round them up and ship them all back. Doing that with the current mindset of the average American laborer would create major problems with our economy.

I agree it’ll be a major issue in the coming months. Like in 08 and a few years later many self deported due to no work during that time.

I’m hoping those that were released and given court dates will follow thru with those court dates. Apply for their green cards, work visas etc……
I think there is a path forward but it’ll be a rough one.

The powers that be created this problem but we the people were too busy tending to our own affairs instead doing what was right. Now we’re gonna be forced to deal with it.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan