Originally Posted by BC_Reb
Originally Posted by Buckshot77
A question for any of you that still dog hunt. I bought a place in South Alabama several years ago with the plan to build a house and move there when I retire. I still have several years. I have been a dog hunter my whole life and don't plan to give it up when I retire. My plan is to come back to FL to run my dogs. There are millions of acres of public land open for dog hunting 2-3 hours south of my place in Alabama. That being said, it would be nice to have a place to do it closer to what will be home. Alabama public land seems to be pretty much out in that regard. I have read that you can run dogs in parts of the Talladega NF, but I can't find much info on it and it would also be a couple hours north. Are dog hunt clubs in Alabama still a thing? Dog hunt clubs in FL are huge (acreage wise), I know most clubs in Alabama are small in comparison. Assuming there are dog hunt clubs, are they bigger? Just planning for the future.

There’s still a good group around here that does it right. I’ll send you a name and a number if you’re interested in getting up with them. Solid folks

I appreciate it. If I was closer to moving up there, I'd take you up on it. It's good to hear it's not dead up there yet.