The difference in hunting deer and turkeys over corn is that deer can also eat at night. A turkey is gonna eat the easiest thing he can find which makes killing him that much easier. If you got turkeys, you could sit over bait all day long and NEVER call and could limit out easily. To compare to the two is foolish.
Doesn’t change what the bag limit is. What difference does it make how someone kills their turkey?
Folks can and do sit over chufa plots all day and NEVER call now. So what?
You seem to be going on the very false assumption that the folks setting the limit expect every hunter to kill the season limit. No state anywhere expects that. The state of Alabama doesn't have enough turkeys for every hunter to kill 4.
The season limit has nothing to do with whether or not bait is allowed. I've never understood why you so often put those 2 things together. They are unrelated, and everyone else on this forum understands that.