Originally Posted by jaredhunts
Originally Posted by cartervj
If it went towards the debt would it not send inflation going the other direction and would benefit everyone

It will help the debt, deficit and inflation. In tandem with reduced fuel prices, it would make some headway in some sectors. Most of these prices on material goods are here to stay. Concrete is not going back to 75$ a yard, among other things. You don’t want to build a house and sell it tomorrow for 200k$, when the same house was built and sold yesterday for 300k$. That would screw up a lot of things. Lower the interest rate.

Yep deflation will be a part of it too. I think it’s all part of it. Too many overvaluations across the board.

Heck I still recall $22 a yard concrete but houses were $25 a foot to build and sold for $30 give or take. Of course those houses today would be low scale rentals or duplex’s compared with today’s build. Our customs back then would be middle of the road today. The amenities are unreal comparatively

Last concrete poured at the house was a little over $100 a yard and our friend sent it,
they pour a lot. His contract pricing was in the $70s and wouldn’t let us pay him. Kept saying he’d lost the invoice. 19 yards

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan