Originally Posted by twaldrop4
Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by howl
In order for it to cause inflation, there has to be a net increase in dollars put into the economy. If they're just putting the dollars into household accounts rather than sending it down through .gov and NGO paychecks, there's no difference than status quo.

In the simplest of examples: Every dollar given out has to be printed. The govt is running a $2 trillion budget deficit right now. That means there is not enough money to pay for what we have budgeted and plan to spend. So in order to fund the budget they have to print additional money and add it to the debt. The savings DOGE is finding are unspent money that they were going to have to print and put into circulation to pay salaries, buy materials, and fulfill, contracts. Every dollar doge is finding are unspent funds, the money for which is not sitting in the treasury. In order to pass it out to taxpayers, they will still have to print it. Every time they spend money in excess of what they take in, they are taking it on to the debt very new dollar printed and dumped into the economy, increases inflation.

Didn’t realize it was unspent, unprinted money. In that case it doesn’t need to be given out to anybody.

Based on what I’ve seen on the detailed savings list of programs, the majority of savings are coming from cancelling current and future contracts and programs that would have spent the “saved” money between now and 2029. We as a nation have a huge spending problem. Congress and the unelected bureaucracy have never been held to any type of revenue based budget, and have and continue to operate as if they have virtually unlimited funds. And they do have unlimited funds, as long as they are allowed to continually increase the debt limit every 6 months when they need more money.