Originally Posted by BPI
Just curious what a build like that runs ?

It's for a friend that's just about family. We havnt even really discussed the labor yet. I've got roughly 150 hours in it now, probaly another 15 or so to wrap up.

Think I've got right at $9k in aluminum in it, probaly $1k in argon, welding wire, and various consumables like saw blads and grinding wheels. I've probaly got another $1k between stainless bolts and latches and a few of the various rigging things I've had to have during thr built to ve able to incorporate or cut the holes for. He took care of the motor and clutch, prop and all the associated stuff. If I had to build one trunk key, rigged boat motor and trailer I would guess it would be in the neighborhood of $80k or better even.

Last edited by JustinJ; 02/20/25 08:31 PM.