Originally Posted by DryFire
Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by DryFire
I'm just glad I've already got my federal tax refund before all those IRS employees got laid off.

The ones weve always had or the 80000 new ones? Which was it got laid off? And im pretty sure theres been plenty of people waited months for their refund every year before now and plenty of people got their refund quicker than expected well before your president hired the extra 80000 extra employess. Dont cry too much for those laid off employess, there are jobs opening up every few minutes as the illegals are getting deported. If they really want to work, theyll be able to.

Think they can beat the bid I got from Juan and his two amigos to paint the inside of my house?

I doubt they would do it for any price. Theres alot of different sides to that cheap labor deal. Im pretty sure i would beat the price of the mexican tree crew. Most mexicans (mexican owned crews)in construction around here are charging just about like everyone else. Painters might be a bit different. Not much overhead so they can charge less. I worked on hurricane jobs where fema hired about anyone who applied, gave them a clipboard and rulebook and theyd watch me climb trees and order me around like theyd been cutting trees all their life. For the most part, around here, the day of the cheap mexican labor is a thing of the past. And mexicans despise us for treating them poorly when they came here for a better life. Just about the only cheap mexican labor around here is farm work.