Originally Posted by BC
Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by Fishduck
I hunted with guys that did it right. Was a lot of fun and often very productive. The outlaws ended the practice in my county.

Growing up in Chilton County, we had 2 choices, run dogs with the criminals or fight the dog running criminals.
Not all of them, but the great majority of dog runners were a bunch of reckless drunk poachers who thought they owned all the deer in the county. If you dared try to stop them farm equipment got vandalized, barns burned, cattle shot, gates destroyed, etc.
People who come to Chilton county and lease hunting land today have no idea how hard we fought to put a lid on the rampant organized crime syndicate of dog hunters.


Hunted in Perry Co when I was a kid in a club that ran dogs and had a little section set aside for stalk hunting only. On the main road going through the club there was one little ,5 acre block that a nice gentleman owned and had built a little green house on. Lived in it with his wife and two kids. He was telling me and my dad that his house had been shot by our club members no less than 20 times over the years. That same year it was shot twice and he called the game warden who started doing ride throughs on the club and handing out tickets for the dog hunters standing the roads. Then magically the little green house burned down less than a week later. Pretty amazing coincidence.

This would fit right in with the low life thread. Totally disgusting!