Originally Posted by jwalker77
Heres the elephant in the room question. How do you drastically shrink govt without cutting jobs? You dont. We voted for him so he would shrink the govt. Hes doing it. It sure dont sound as pretty when its your job or a friends job getting cut. 100s of 1000s of people will lose their jobs. This is what we voted for.

He wasn't voted in to just DELETE jobs based on Musks or anyone elses opinion lol. It has nothing to do with anyone's family or friends, it should follow a study being completed to see which jobs can be cut and still get the jobs done in a professional and timely manner.
There are jobs being cut that aren't specifically individuals with less than 12mos employment that are on a probational period. Reductions in Force (RIF) have studies completed, risk assessments, impacts, and goals. Simply cutting jobs isn't the answer. Most career guys in the military
have seen what the knee jerk RIF's implemented have done in the past.