Old school ancient chiropractors help. Find one who is about 60+ with hands like a brick mason and that guy will fix you up. If the Chiro comes out with a massage gun and weird lotions, find another.
I have all kinds of scoliosis and bone spurs from C2 down to my Sacroiliac joint. Learn all the advanced stretching tricks you can and loose belly weight.
Nerve shot in the bulging neck c-5 was relieved enough that I could over the course of a year stretch-it back into tolerable position. Yes you can do that if you can visualize how it should work correctly.
If you saw me stretching in the shower, you would think something you should not think.

But doing systematic controlled spinal and neck stretching in a long hot shower works best for me.
Note: I found an old large black man Chiropractor in near Pascagoula. He was built like a thick bodied NBA player. I visited him twice when I was doing a job near there, my skull was like a baseball in his hands. He grabbed my skull and waist in one-motion; and, stretched my narrow body like a rubber-band. Dr. Williams. Not sure if he is still around anymore.