Originally Posted by BrandonClark
Originally Posted by abolt300
Let’s start with shutting down every new agency and department created in the last 4 yrs and with firing all of the 325,00-375,000 federal employees that were hired during the Biden administration and take total government employment numbers back to where it was when Trump left office. Once that is done, then we can decide who else and what other agencies need to go too.

How bout get rid of the the people that have been eligible for retirement for 10 years and just show up to get a paycheck because they can.

The acronym for those people, and I worked with some myself, is RODs (retired on duty). It would be wonderful if there was a more efficient way to do this, but I’m not sure there is and I say that knowing that there is a possibility that one day it may work it’s way to my little part time job a FEMA site and I can be DOGEd (I wonder if that will make Webster list of new verbs next year?). The fact is that change hurts but our country can’t keep going without some drastic changes happening. Our so called leaders have just kicked the can down the road for too long now and it is time to pay the piper. Give me a minute and I’ll think of some more cliches that fit. grin

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.