Originally Posted by Fattyfireplug
Originally Posted by kodiak06
I don't believe that it's money saved. Killing jobs without any fore thought isn't really savings... I'm sure a high percentage of those jobs "may be" legit but, to see some that were cut makes it a numbers game imo.

Respectfully, you're wrong. I'm pretty certain someone close to you, if not you, is on the chopping block from the goverment teat. I don't wish harm on anyone, but the cuts needed to happen decades ago. Long overdue and it needs to happen to the extreme.

LMAO, Well respectfully, you're WRONG. I know absolutely No-ONE that has lost a job or nor have been threatened to get fired. BTW, I'm retired so that rules me out as well lol. Cutting VA employees in an entity with a known shortage of staff and cutting NFS jobs when those cuts included bios/fire trail team leads,and other unreported jobs etc, is just dumb. It's common sense to do the study's on a RIF that have been mentioned on the other threads. IMO, the American public should have been provided the studies (research) which "should" include positions eliminated, salary, AND whether or not the position was critical. We get NOTHING and you guys just roll with it lol. I despise the libs but I know for fact, this page would have come unhinged had a democrat made these moves, especially while keeping it in house and us in the dark. Your post is opinion, doesn't make it right , same as mine but I try to be factual...