I think this is a situation of the gov't being so bloated and so many people not doing what they should have been doing all along has culminated in this chaotic shrinking of spending.

If all these supervisors had been doing their jobs correctly, then a simple memo to reduce the workforce and work with in X budget should have been sufficient and it would have started at the bottom and climbed up the ladder.

All of you who are opposed to how this is being done, is your proposed method one that could be done within the same time frame?

It does suck that some people are losing jobs, but folks in the private sector have been losing jobs for ages and there has not been the hew and cry about those.

I agree that the VA needs better efficiency and more people in certain areas within it and hopefully when all the dust settles, that will be what has happened.

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.---Winnie the Pooh