Originally Posted by Fattyfireplug
While I personally will park at the far end and walk in, I do get extremely pissy when I see a perfectly healthy asshole get out of a handicap spot and walk inside. I don't give a damn if they have a tag or not. I know a lot of folks who have those tags that belonged to meemaw and mama, but the doc keeps signing off on them. For me, it's a bigger tragedy than Social Security theft. Half the time a person is waiting in the driver seat while the fat ass walks inside to shop.

Handicap has become a Social Justice privilege for black people. It's black folk 90-100% of the time.

Meanwhile, my 90yo grandfather was repeatedly denied a handicap tag. He had an artificial leg and his good leg wasn't great. I'd drop him at the front door, get him in a chair, wheel him in, then drive to the far side of the parking lot. Walking in, the handicap spots were full of 30yo blacks who were perfectly capable of parking with the rest of society. It's a little known perk they get and it pissed me the hell off.

I'm done. Ya'll can start a small camp fire with the wood from the soap box.

I agree 100% with this!