Originally Posted by Peach
Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by CarbonClimber1
Fine eatin


When we were in high school, we would kill a bunch of robins and take them to my grandmother’s house and she would cook them. For years she thought they were doves. They were good.

My grandaddy growed up in a house with dirt for floors durin the depression..you ever heard of yard bird soup..pawpaw kilt j birds, woodpeckers, killdees..robins..put it in a pot with carrots an taters...they eat their mule so they didnt starve. He was walkin death with a flip…he had a hard life. He said killdee was the best eatin bird they was..an a crow is the worst.

Last edited by CarbonClimber1; 02/25/25 01:16 PM.

"I dont quit.. And ill fight alone if i have to"