Question. Do most people not think that as soon as the new administration takes over in 2028 that all of this will be reversed and put right back to where it was before. It was changed with a pen stroke and I feel it will be reversed the same way. At this point in history it’s just going to be back and forth with no real progress made.
I really believe were seeing a real change. I believe its goin to be so obviously better than what has been the past 4yrs, there will be even more votes for the next Republican candidate. I sure hope im right
I hope you're right but, DJT has more people in an uproar than ever before. Politicians are hard enough to trust and then having business men, individuals like Musk thrust into the picture making decisions for this country in such a fashion is just adding fuel to the fire. I have no problem with him doing a job but, would like more info to support what/why he's doing it, but it's simply been presented as a numbers game. That BS, "tell me what you did last week letter" is just ignorant, tell me did what you did the last quarter would maybe be better suited. A lot of jobs have up and down moments. Employee job performance and reviews are completed on a quarterly or semi-annual basis for a reason. I completes semi-annual performance evaluations as part of my job for 15yrs and one weeks worth of information is totally useless. Riding these guys coat tails and not holding them accountable whether it's in a positive or negative manner's just naive. Information should be shared for the reason you mentioned alone, VOTES. To attract votes, there has to be trust. I'd like to see the next republican win by more than 2% of the vote.