Originally Posted by hallb
Originally Posted by kodiak06
Originally Posted by hallb.

You sure seem butt hurt about all this cutting. I love it, cut more, not cutting enough.

LMAO, not butt hurt at all. I just think they should be accountable for decisions and have sound reasoning for doing so AND that information be shared with the general public. We elected them to do a job, good leaders keep their followers informed, in this case it's the voters. I'm also very familiar with a few of the positions that have been cut and know that they are jobs needed for an entity to complete their tasks, not some menial job holding down a desk. Miscellaneous cuts just to show money saved is just ignorant, especially knowing those same jobs will require a new hire lol. By your comment you want jobs cut even if there's no sound evidence to support it, that's plain STUPID lol.

You're right, my bad. They should have formed a bi-partisan committee and hired a bunch of their consulting cronies and funded a 200 million dollar 6 year study to determine who should be cut. What was I thinking.

Post that info or a link. Being they have fired people needed to do specific jobs, I'd say that 6yr study failed.