If you started the past season with 10,000 does and 3000 are killed by hunters and another 1000 in vehicle collisions and natural mortality, you're ending the season and carrying 6000 does in the population into year 2. If each of the 6,000 does drop 1.5 fawns each, at a 50/50 ratio, and 50% of all fawns dont make it for whatever reason, that means you're starting the next hunting season with 6000 does and 2,250 doe fawns (most of which will not be old/sexually mature enough to be bred during year 2)...........see where I am going with this?

Based on the above, the number has to be, and stay, way higher than 10,000 in order to sustain that type of heavy harvest, or the population decline will increase exponentially in every successive year, if those types of annual loss numbers are maintained in perpetuity.