if they completely did away with all the agencies on this list up above it would no significantly impact my daily life.

Hard for those who like to suck off the Gov't tit to comprehend I know. Appears a lot of individuals on here are in that situation. It's a tough pill for those who think the work they do is actually "important". Well... it's not.

In the private sector people fail every second of every day. Easy jobs don't pay. Ignorant people get lucky and get rich. Hard working folks who do everything correctly sometimes get fired. That's how this Country is supposed to work.

Some on here need a stark reality check.

My advice = "Learn to Code"

The ones who like the tit will be the loudest screamers when they get yanked off. Elon had that part 100% correct.

[Linked Image]

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.