Originally Posted by Whild_Bill
Lots of docs are still locked in the courts and she is in the process of getting them released and she will those ones who thought everything was coming today clearly don’t know how politics works Trump said they coming out and they will in time but damn these are the same group of people who said Trump was done and had no chance to be president again you would think they would shut their pie holes but let’s see who right and who wrong

You're blowing smoke. Gas lighting. Bondi said it was on her desk. She said awful things were done. She said she's releasing. She released previously released documents. So the truth is she lied. She either lied about what was on her desk. Or she lied about having read the awful things. Because what was released wasn't awful things.

Stop defending the indefensible. I've never said Trump wouldn't be elected. I've supported him since he took office the first time. I have huge criticism of him at times, as any intellectually honest person would. After yesterdays boondoggle I'd have Bondi in front of my desk wanting to know what the hell she was doing. You should be that way too. She got on TV and said it was on her desk to be released the next day. That was a lie. Period. It makes it look like she's a liar or incompetent or both.

When it blew up in her face, she blamed an FBI office for withholding the documents she clearly said she'd read. So she lied. Now, that office may be corrupt and withholding. If it is, Patel should have marched in with an army overnight. Anything less would also be incompetence. To be fair to him, he's just now arriving on the job. But in his Position, I've got 300 trusted men and women and we encircle, enter and secure that facility with anyone working there detained or sent home at a minimum. The message that would send would be earth shattering for democrats and the deep state.

Regardless of all that. Bondi said it was on her desk when it clearly wasn't. She acted as if she'd read it, when she clearly hadn't. That's a problem for the Trump administration.

Last edited by Fattyfireplug; 02/28/25 07:05 AM.

Character is not developed in moments of temptation and trial. That is when it is intended to be used.