Is the best spent money for the USA. We need an impenetrable defense against anything anyone can sling at us. And self sustainability. Im not against buying from others, but we dont need to be in a situation where we depend on it. We need to be capable of supplying our own needs and defending ourselves from anyone at any time. Thats where our money needs to be spent at this time. Most of the world is going to crap. We need to take care of ourselves. When we get to flourishing, as we should be, then we can think about helping others. We can barely help ourselves at this point. Were in a pretty good mess. We have the right people in place to dig out of it. But it looks like about half of our own country and 2/3 of the rest of the world is against us. This zelenski crap is showing us whats up. It sure looks like about half of the US is in lock step with the globalists around the world pushing all the ideas Trumps people are working hard to rid our country of. Lines are being drawn and sides are being taken. Its not hard to see.
Re: Long range missle defense
[Re: jwalker77]
#4293822 03/02/2509:19 AM03/02/2509:19 AM
I’m more concerned with this Another source says reports of 20 million illegals is actually twice that under Biden. Quoted sources that watch infrared cameras of ones crossing the borders.
“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan
Re: Long range missle defense
[Re: jwalker77]
#4293831 03/02/2509:31 AM03/02/2509:31 AM
We used to hear about Reagan's Star Wars Program which was a satellite and laser defense system. The Soviet Union hollered about it like a stuck pig. They hollered enough that we just quit hearing about it, but I doubt just because we quit hearing about it the program went away.
Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.
Re: Long range missle defense
[Re: jwalker77]
#4293994 03/02/2504:16 PM03/02/2504:16 PM
Supposedly we have one that works against super sonic, at what degree of certainty, 🤷♂️
The govt was working on a system to intercept those missles. Bidun stopped that. I have a friend who was working on it. Hes retired now. They stopped working on it shortly after bidun took office