This weekend I was working the ranch. A situation arose with a sounder of pigs specifically the lead sow. I’m just as guilty if not more than most of you of being on the quest for the “ultimate camp rifle”.

I busted my red dot, almost got my azz eat up and had to pull my handgun. Even with that, 9mm 147gr +P+ sucked !

I have bought, used, and given away so many red dots rinse and repeat because I’m hard headed, my family loves the free gifts. 😂🤣😂

My conclusion, red dots of all types and ALL PRICE RANGES are slower than Ghost ring sights outdoors. Red dots are not even as good in brush as ghost rings, no more accurate in the open than ghost rings, they can break or die. My lenses are always nasty and I hate flip up covers, and I find myself babying the rifle worrying about smacking the lense.

Red dot in urban environments, heck yeah.

Don’t get caught in a bad situation, get rid of permanent optics on rifles (ranch & camp) you have to depend on in the field. If you really want a red dot, have backup irons and a QUICK RELEASE LEVER RED DOT MOUNT !

I think Irons for GP use with a setup for mounting a Quick release return to zero scope you can put on for a hunt. Basically, setup for I need to save my azz now, put the scope on when calmly hunting.

We’ll see what Aimpoint does with this ACRO 😂🤣😂

Last edited by JohnnyLoco; 03/02/25 08:34 PM.