Originally Posted by ford150man
My kids keep telling me I’m one step away from being a completely grouchy old man with zero filter. This evening I was listening to them and their mama talking about typical teenage drama crap and how this person let them down and that person let them down, blah, blah, blah…. Finally, when there was a pause, I spoke up and told them most everyone they know is going to let them down sooner or later. The trick is to determine who is worth looking over it for and who isn’t. Then I went on to tell them there is a certain sense of freedom that comes when you reach the point in life that you don’t give a sh!t anymore. I didn’t expect them to understand but my wife couldn’t believe I’d say something like that. I fail to see what I said that wasn’t accurate.

You’re not wrong.

You just tried to give them some wisdom. Folks who don’t have a lot of life experience have a hard time digesting wisdom.

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