Originally Posted by jawbone
Am I still crazy for wanting Z to step aside and letting a diplomat take over now that peace is near? Putin is an evil man. Anyone that disagrees with that is the one that needs to have their heads examined. I want them to come out of this looking like the loser, but more than anything, I want the killing stopped. I am a pragmatic person so I think that Russia will end up with some of the territory it invaded, but not the whole country like Putin wants.

Again, I don't view this as the U.S. needs to be all in for either side. I don't think Trump does either. I think he has said as much as that. That is how you bring about peace.

I think Z was what Ukraine needed at the start but he has shot his wad. Great leader at the start but failing miserably as a diplomat to end this. He needs to go. As much as I don't like saying this, if he is not willing to give concessions, then it is time for us to walk away. That will lead to just many more lives lost over there. This has to end or we will be looking at WWIII.

Z being a "great leader at the start"...that's laughable!